David Haider

Research and Development

Telefon: +49-6159-71-3307

Raum: SB2 2.234

Email: David Haider

I’m involved in the development of a Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) system for the FAIR facility and CRYRING@GSI. Topics:

  • Recommission of the GSI-CCC system and its upgrade with new vacuum, cryogenic and sensor components (dc SQUID and its FLL electronics).
  • Installation of the GSI-CCC prototype and optimizations of the vacuum and cryogenic environments at the accelerator beam line.
  • Beam intensity and related investigations using CCC and comparative studies with other standard intensity measurement devices.
  • Evaluation of requirements for the CCC system at the future accelerator beamlines.


  • FEM simulations for the optimization of various parts of the CCC system
  • Mechanical design and technical construction of the CCC cryostat
  • Installation of the CCC system on the accelerator beam line
  • Cryogenic tests and beam measurements using the CCC system at the accelerator beam line