
Lodging facilities of GSI

information on GSI Guest- and Steinhouse

Hotels (not too far from GSI)


Find here a list of hotels in the vicinity of GSI: List of hotels

Youth hostel

Landgraf-Georg-Straße 119, 64287 Darmstadt
Phone: 06151 / 45293, Fax: 06151 / 422535
Further Information

Renting rooms/flats/appartments (in/near Darmstadt)

Please note:

It is illegal to demand money for an appointment to view an apartment in germany.
If this is the case, please inform us and we strongly advise against accepting such offers

General information on renting places to live


GSI / FAIR distributes offers from landlords who want to rent out a flat. If you are interested receiving those offers, we can add you to the mailing-list, which is used to distribute recent offers. Please write an e-mail to: guest-office(at)gsi.de

Rooms (and apartments)

Newspaper ads

Ads in the local press Arheilger Post and in the advertising paper Sperrmüll.

General search sites: