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Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende
Ausgabe: 39-2016 | 26.09. - 02.10.
April 2016: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hadron Physics

Quelle: G. Burau
This year's HGS-HIRe lecture week on hadron physics gave an overview of the functionality and design of particle detectors in general and the PANDA experiment with its various detector systems and components in particular. Complementary the main concepts of lattice QCD, a very important approach in theoretical hadron physics, had been addressed on a didactical level. According to their feedback, all participating students learned a lot about these topics during this lecture week at Ebernburg Castle.
G. Burau
July 2016: 6th HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics

Quelle: G. Burau
The Martin-Niemöller-Haus in Schmitten (Taunus) hosted the sixth HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics on July 18-22, 2016. The lecturers Detlef Küchler (CERN, Geneva) and Nicolas Chauvin (CEA, Saclay) gave a comprehensive overview of the very first stages of accelerating particles from the ion source into the accelerator complex. The participant talks addressing particular physical and technological aspects in this context complemented the lectures in a multifarious way.
G. Burau
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