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Archiv | 2015 | KW:38 |Ausgabe: 38-2015 | 14.09. - 20.09.


Präsidentenwechsel in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft: Otmar D. Wiestler ist seit September neuer Helmholtz-Präsident

Quelle: Steffen Jänicke

Otmar D. Wiestler, ehemaliger Vorstandsvorsitzender des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums, ist seit dem 1. September neuer Helmholtz-Präsident. Er löst Jürgen Mlynek ab, der nach zehn Jahren und zwei Amtszeiten an der Spitze der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft satzungsgemäß ausscheidet.

New president at the Helmholtz Association: Otmar D. Wiestler takes over the helm

Otmar D. Wiestler, former Chairman of the Board of Directors at the German Cancer Research Center, has assumed office as President of the Helmholtz Association on September 1st, 2015. He is taking over from Jürgen Mlynek, who has stepped down after ten years and two terms in office.


Call for Proposals for UNILAC-Beamtime 2016

During the last years several upgrade activities at the existing GSI accelerator facilities (UNILAC and SIS18) took place to adjust them for their future use as injectors for FAIR. This will now be followed by construction work to link SIS18 and SIS100. So within the next years, beam operation at GSI will be limited and adapted to the time schedule of the construction work. For 2016, as a consequence, beam time for experiments can be offered only to the users of UNILAC. Priority will be given to projects supported by BMBF via “Verbundforschung”.

With 12 weeks there will be approx. 240 shifts of UNILAC beamtime available for machine tests and experiments between April and July 2016.

Proposals can be submitted until 16. November 2015. For details please see

The Scientific Directorate of GSI

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