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Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende
Ausgabe: 37-2023 | 11.09. - 17.09.
Wissenschaftliche Sitzungen/Seminare bei GSI
Exkursionen der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen an die GSI
Wir möchten uns herzlich bedanken bei allen die bei der Durchführung geholfen haben: Aleksey Adonin, Farsane Baraki, Wolfgang Geithner, Emma Haettner, Frieder Koch, Joachim Maurer, Sacha Mickat, Wolfgang Quint, Christoph Scheidenberger, Ina Schubert, Hartmut Vormann, und natürlich bei den Organisatoren auf Seiten der JLU Gießen: Claudia Höhne, Michael Dürr, Peter Klar und Anja Denhardt.

Quelle: M. Dürr
Excursions of the Justus Liebig University Giessen to the GSI
The Department of Physics at the Justus Liebig University (JLU) Gießen has conducted its traditional annual excursions to the GSI. For the first time since the pandemic, this was possible again this year. The first excursion was for bachelor students in the 4th and 6th semester studying the physics, and physics and space applications. More than 30 participants visited the GSI on June 26th, 2023. The students were at GSI all day and were able to experience the versatility of GSI research up close in several lectures and guided tours. There were a large number of questions both during the lectures and during the guided tours and the students were visibly enthusiastic and surprised by the diverse possibilities that the GSI offers. The second excursion took place on July 6th, 2023 and was aimed at the winners of the quiz at the JLU event "Physik im Blick". Physic topics are presented here in an entertaining and generally understandable way for schoolchildren in grades 10 to 13. More than 40 pupils took part in this excursion with great interest.
We would like to thank everyone who helped: Aleksey Adonin, Farsane Baraki, Wolfgang Geithner, Emma Haettner, Frieder Koch, Joachim Maurer, Sacha Mickat, Wolfgang Quint, Christoph Scheidenberger, Ina Schubert, Hartmut Vormann, and of course with the organizers from JLU Gießen: Claudia Höhne, Michael Dürr, Peter Klar and Anja Denhardt.

Quelle: M. Dürr
Timo Dickel (GSI and JLU) and Sophia Heinz (GSI und JLU)
T. Dickel, Thermalisierte exotische Kerne, Tel. 2733
- 12.09. 16:15 Uhr, GSI-FAIR Colloquium
GSI-FAIR Colloquium, 2023-09-12 16:15:00 Uhr
Main Lecture Hall, GSI
Augusto Macchiavelli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 13.09. 11:00 Uhr, NUSTAR Seminar
NUSTAR Seminar, 2023-09-13 11:00:00 Uhr Meeting-ID: 662 4315 3337 Kenncode: 554346, Seminar room theory SB3. 3170a
Moshe Friedman The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 13.09. 14:00 Uhr, Wissenschaft für Alle
Wissenschaft für Alle, 2023-09-13 14:00:00 Uhr
Großer Hörsaal, SB1 1.201, GSI/FAIR
Peter Engels Stadtarchiv Darmstadt
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