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Archiv | 2019 | KW:13 |Ausgabe: 13-2019 | 25.03. - 31.03.

Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende

Ausgabe: 13-2019 | 25.03. - 31.03.



March 2019: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hot and Dense Matter

Photo: P. Di Nezza

The topic of this year's HGS-HIRe lecture week in the scientific field of hot and dense matter was "Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions". The lecture week was held in Manigod in the French alps in March 2019. The topic was discussed by Marco van Leeuwen (Nikef), Martin Spousta (Charles University, Prague) and Leticia Cunqueiro Mendes (ORNL). An exciting mixture of lectures, participant talks and group work sessions initiated lively physics discussions. The mountain environment, french food and good skiing conditions added to a pleasant and motivating working atmosphere.

H. Büsching

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