EMMI Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) is the main steering body of the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI. It consists of the EMMI Scientific Director, of one representative from each partner institution, and of two representatives of the Associated Partners.

Currently, the members of the Steering Committee are

Klaus Blaum, (Chair of SC), MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
Peter Braun-Munzinger (EMMI Scientific Director), EMMI
Paolo Giubellino (GSI Scientific Managing Director, ex officio), GSI
Yvonne Leifels, GSI
N.N., FZ Jülich
Achim Schwenk, TU Darmstadt
Joachim Stroth, U Frankfurt
Johanna Stachel, U Heidelberg
Johannes Wessels, U Münster
Volker Lindenstruth, FIAS Frankfurt
Paul Indelicato, U Paris VI
Reiner Kruecken, LBNL
Ani Aprahamian, JINA
Takaharu Otsuka, University of Tokyo
Tohru Motobayashi, RIKEN
Krzysztof Redlich, University of Wroclaw (EMMI Associated Partner)
Gerd Röpke, University of Rostock (EMMI Associated Partner)