Biophysics Seminars 2016

08.12.2016 14:00

Theorieseminarraum, SB3 Raum 3.170a

MatriGrid®-technology – Structures and methods for realistic “organotypic” cell culture devices

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Schober

M. Sc. Patrick Mai

Institute of Micro and Nanotechnologies MacroNano®, Nano-biosystem Technology,

Ilmenau University of Technology

17.11.2016 14:00

Theorieseminarraum, SB3 Raum 3.170a

Human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes as a model system in radiation Research

Scarlett Nitsch, Darmstadt

09.11.2016 10:00

Theorieseminarraum, SB3 Raum 3.170a

The Problem of Equivalent Dose Estimations for Radon exposures

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang-Ulrich Müller

Universitätsklinikum, Essen

27.10.2016 14:00


More Ions for Radiotherapy?

Olga Sokol GSI, Darmstadt

20.10.2016 14:00


Space Radiation Physics - Group update 2016

Dr. Christoph Schuy, GSI Darmstadt

13.10.2016 14:00


Modelling the cell-cycle dependent radiosensitivity with GLOBLE and LEM

Paul Günther, GSI Darmstadt

12.09.2016 14:00


From protons to heavier ions at MD Anderson – Aiming to catch up from behind

Prof. David Grosshans/Prof. Radhe Mohan, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston/Texas

28.07.2016 14:00


Organotypic slice cultures as a tool for (radio)biological and preclinical research

Dr. Felicitas Merz, GSI Darmstadt

21.07.2016 14:00


Monitoring radiation-induced chromatin decondensation using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy

Elham Abdollahi, GSI Darmstadt

11.07.2016 17:00

Colloquium at University Gießen 

Hörsaal III, Hörsaalgebäude Physik

Radon als Heilmittel: Chancen und Risiken?

Prof. Dr. Claudia Fournier, GSI Darmstadt

30.06.2016 14:00


Modern Radiation Techniques at the department of Radiation Oncology Darmstadt -Radiobiology and Immunology at a communal Hospital

Prof. Dr. Christian Weiß, Klinikum Darmstadt

23.06.2016 14:00


Impact of ionising radiation on bone metabolism

Dr. Aljona Cucu, GSI Darmstadt

19.05.2016 14:00


The structure and function of cell-cell junctions visualized by electron tomography

Prof. Achilleas Frangakis, Goethe University Frankfurt)

29.04.2016 14:00

Im Hörsaal

KBWBiological effects in irradiated cardiac tissue after carbon ions irradiation,a new procedure for cardiac ablation treatment in a pig model

Dr. Palma Simoniello, Department of Sciences and Technology, University Parthenope, Napoli, Italy

Nadine Erbeldinger, GSI Darmstadt)

21.04.2016 14:00


Radiation research at Hevesy lab and why we are interested in Auger-electron Emitters

Dr. Torsten Groesser Hevesy Laboratory - DTU NutechTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)

14.04.2016 14:00

KBW Hörsaal

Follow-up of chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of prostate cancer patients after combined C-ion radiotherapy and IMRT

Dr. Carola Hartel, GSI Darmstadt

11.03.2016 16:15

TU - Darmstadt Gebäude S2 08 / Raum 171(Hochschulstraße 4, 64289 Darmstadt)Ionenstrahlen in der Tumortherapie - was geht nochPD Dr. Michael Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

08.03.2016 16:00


Clinical significance and uncertainties in variable proton RBE values

Prof. Harald Paganetti, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

25.02.2016 14:00


Adaptive treatment of tumors with interfraction motion in scanned ion beam therapy

Dr. Sebastian Hild, GSI Darmstadt

11.02.2016 14:00


Impact of ionizing radiation on development and regeneration

Dr. Insa Schröder, GSI Darmstadt

28.01.2016 14:00


Our lab has two major research interests: 1) Neural stem cells and brain tumors and 2) Rett syndrome and iPS cells

Dr. Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike A. Nuber, TU - Darmstadt (Biology)

