Experiments in plasma Physics

Existing experiments


Here is a non-exhaustive list of experiments conducted by the Plasma Physics department:

Program in the next years

With the high-current upgrades, the improved SIS18 ion beam qality and intensity will provide access to new parameter regimes of strongly coupled plasma regions not reachable before and hardly accessible by any oter means.

At the UNILAC, the second harmonic of the PHELIX beam will be used to efficiently heat hohlraums whose black body redition enables the generation of very homogeneous plasmas from thin foils or foams. In combination experiments on fully ionized plasma obtained by direct laser irradiation (PHELIX), this will enable an accurate study and understanding of stopping, and charge-exchange cross-sections of heavy ions in dense plasma.

Jointly with the GSI accelerator group, the matching conditions of laser-created ion beams to differet accelerator structures will be addressed.