History: ver 1.1 6-Feb-1996: Fix hyphens that wouldn't break and ligatures that weren't suppressed. ver 1.2 19-Oct-1996: Package option for T1 encoding; Hooks: " \UrlLeft " and " \UrlRight ". ver 1.3 21-Jul-1997: [...] \def\UrlLeft#1\UrlRight { ... do things with #1 ... } Yes, that is "#1" followed by " \UrlRight " then the definition. For example, to put a hyperTeX hypertext link in the DVI file: % \def\UrlLeft#1\UrlRigh [...] New url-like commands can be defined, and a "\ path " command is provided this way. Usage Conditions: % \url{ } If the argument contains any "%", "#", or "^^", or ends with "\", it can't be used in the