(pdf - 0.7MiB) Günther Zwicknagel Erlangen The TITAN-EBIT (pdf - 1.7MiB) Günther Sikler MPI Heidelberg Simulations and more from LEBIT (pdf - 1.8MiB) Georg Bollen MSU HITRAP cooler trap, transport of HCI (pdf [...] Slobodan Djekic Mainz β-spectroscopy in Penning traps: The backscattering and a potential solution (pdf - 1.1MiB) Markus Beck Leuven Analytical field calculations for the proton g-factor trap (pdf - 0.3MiB) Josee [...] techniques and electronics for cryogenic trap systems (pdf - 1.3MiB) Stefan Stahl Laser spectroscopy and atom traps Atom trapping at KVI (pdf - 1.3MiB) Umarkant Dammalapati Groningen Challanges for laser