Gebhardt, Evgeny Kryshen Sep 14, 2021 EMMI RRTF Part 1, Online Workshop 1: Real and virtual photon production at ultra-low transverse momentum and low mass at LHC Sebastian Scheid, Hendrik van Hees, Ralf [...] Nuclear and Quark Matter Seminar Jets and medium modification Guy Moore Jun 15, 2016 EMMI Nuclear and Quark Matter Seminar The gift that keeps giving: surprises from ridges in p+p, p/d/He+A and A+A collisions [...] hadron gas Kevin Ingles Oct 5, 2022 2021 EMMI RRTF Part 1, Online Workshop 2: Real and virtual photon production at ultra-low transverse momentum and low mass at LHC Jacopo Ghiglieri, Charles Gale, Klaus