Division Contacts

Head:                Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Peters

Address:          PANDA/Hadronen
                          Planckstr. 1
                          64291 Darmstadt

Room:               KBW 5.01

Phone:              +49 (0) 6159 71 2762 (Sekr.)
                          +49 (0) 6159 71 2763
                          +49 (0) 174 328 1425

Fax:                   +49 (0) 6159 71 3762

Mail:                  k.peters(at)gsi.de

Publications:   INSPIRE

short CV

Klaus J. Peters is a joined Professor of GSI and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt for Experimental Physics
Diploma and PhD at Gutenberg-University Mainz
Habilitation at Ruhr-University Bochum

Active Experiments:    PANDABES3GlueX

Past Experiments:       BaBarCrystal Barrel

Activities of the Hadron Physics Division

PANDA coordination and hostlab activities

In cooperation with Dr. Lars Schmitt (FAIR) and Dr. Anasthasios Belias (GSI):

  • Technical coordination of the PANDA experiment (together with FAIR)
  • Panda-Hall coordination (together with FAIR)
  • Adminstrative management of the PANDA collaboration
  • External pre-cursor experiments (BES3 and GlueX) for development and testing
PANDA development and construction
  • DIRC (Cherenkov Detector) barrel-part for the target spectrometers
  • Software trigger
PANDA activities in other GSI divisions
  • EMC (Electromagnetic calorimeter) ASIC preamps
  • EMC (Electromagnetic calorimeter) LAAPD screening facility
  • Frontend Readout
  • Software framework for simulation and reconstruction