
Verfügbare Go4 software

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Recent Go4 versions (stable)
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Neueste Pakete

Download v6.4.0(full sources)
Go4 version 6.4.0 (March, 17th 2025) - use with Linux, Mac or Windows (Qt6 web canvas)
Release notes version 6.4.0
Readme (installation) version 6.4.0
Download source documentation (html)
Download v6.3.0 Windows installer
Download v6.3.0 Windows zipfile
(includes ROOT 6.28.10
and Qt 5.15.2)
Go4 version 6.3.0 MS Windows (January, 30th 2024) - installer or package for Windows 10/11
Readme Go4 6.3.0 Windows
Download v6.4.0 docker
(Open Suse Leap 15.5, ROOT 6.32/10,
Qt5 webcanvas,
HDF5 support)
Go4 version 6.4.0 (March, 17th 2025) - Docker container to build from sources
Readme Go4 docker container
Download v6.4 docker prebuildGo4 version 6.4.0 (March, 17th 2025) - Docker container with prebuild image from Docker hub

Alte Versionen

Download v6.3.0(full sources)
Go4 version 6.3.0 (January, 11th 2024) - use with Linux, Mac or Windows (Qt5 web canvas)
Release notes version 6.3.0
Readme (installation) version 6.3.0
Download source documentation (html)
Download v6.3.0 Windows installer
Download v6.3.0 Windows zipfile
(includes ROOT 6.28.10
and Qt 5.15.2)
Go4 version 6.3.0 MS Windows (January, 30th 2024) - installer or package for Windows 10/11
Readme Go4 6.3.0 Windows
Download v6.3.0 docker
(Open Suse Tumbleweed, ROOT 6.28/12,
Qt5 webcanvas,
HDF5 support)
Go4 version 6.3.0 (April, 30th 2024) - Docker container to build from sources
Readme Go4 docker container
Download v6.3 docker prebuiltGo4 version 6.3.0 (April, 30th 2024) - Docker container with prebuilt image from Docker hub

Download v6.0.0
(full sources)

Go4 version 6.00.00 (October, 21th 2019) - use with Linux, Mac or Windows (Qt5 web canvas)
Release notes version 6.00.00
Readme (installation) version 6.00.00
Download source documentation (html)
Download v6.2.0 Windows installer
Download v6.2.0 Windows zipfile
(includes ROOT 6.26.02
and Qt 5.15.2)
Go4 version 6.2.0 MS Windows (April, 28th 2022) - installer or package for Windows 10
Readme Go4 6.2.0 Windows
Download v6.1.2 Windows installer
Download v6.1.2 Windows zipfile
(includes ROOT 6.24
and Qt 5)
Go4 version 6.1.2 MS Windows (July, 16th 2021) - installer or package for Windows 10
Readme Go4 6.1.2 Windows
Download v6.2.0 docker
(Open Suse Tumbleweed, ROOT 6.24/04,
Qt5 webcanvas,
HDF5 support)
Go4 version 6.2.0 (April, 27th 2022) - Docker container to build from sources
Readme Go4 docker container
Download v6.2 docker prebuiltGo4 version 6.2.0 (April, 27th 2022) - Docker container with prebuilt image from Docker hub
Download v6.00 docker
(Open Suse Leap 15, ROOT 6.18/04,
Qt5 webcanvas,
HDF5 support)
Go4 version 6.00.00 (October, 21th 2019) - Docker container to build from sources
Readme Go4 docker container
Download v6.00 docker prebuiltGo4 version 6.00.00 (October, 21th 2019) - Docker container with prebuilt image from Docker hub

Download v5.3.2
(full sources)

Go4 version 5.03.02 (October, 26th 2018) - use with Linux, or Windows (Qt3/4)
Release notes version 5.03.02
Readme (installation) version 5.03.02
Download v5.0.0 Win7
(includes ROOT 5.34/32
and Qt 5.4.2)
Go4 version 5.00.00 MS Windows (June, 25th 2015) - installer for Windows 7/8
Readme (installation) version 5.00.00 Windows
Download v4.7.0
(full sources)

Go4 version 4.07.00 (Oct, 17th 2014) - use with Linux, MacOS, or Windows (Qt3/4)
Release notes version 4.07.00
Readme (installation) version 4.07.00
Download v4.5.4 XP
ROOT is included!
Go4 version 4.05.04 Win7 (Nov, 16th 2012) - use with Windows 7/Vista/XP
Readme (installation) version 4.05.04 XP

Download v3.04
(full sources)

winXP binaries
(Go4 v3.03-0 +
ROOT 5.16/00)
Go4 v3.04.01 (November 28, 2008) - use with Qt 3
Release notes v3.04.01
Readme v3.04.01
Readme WindowsXP
Download source documentation (html)


Download Event API 4.5

GSI Event API v4.5-2 (MBS v4.4 and v4.5)
Make with standard makefile. Export GSI_OS=Linux.

Manual, Reference

Download Event API 4.4 GSI Event API v4.4 (MBS v4.4)



Lizenzvereinbarung für Go4 Softwarepakete

Beim Download  irgendeines Go4 Paketes wird die folgende Vereinbarung akzeptiert:

Copyright (C) 
Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
Planckstr. 1
64291 Darmstadt


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (

Eine (inoffizielle) deutschsprachige Übersetzung dieser Lizenz findet sich hier.




