Procedure to Apply for Beamtime

At GSI several Program Advisory Committees (PACs) evaluate experiment proposals and recommend the Scientific Director of GSI/FAIR granting beamtime to those proposals. Results are communicated by Email to the proposer of the respective proposal.

Calls for Proposals are published on the website of the respective PAC, on the platform GATE (, and through mailinglists from GATE or the users' mailing list. Registration to the latter is explained on the User Webpage.

Submission of beamtime proposals to GSI/FAIR is done via the platform GATE (General Access Tool to the Experimental infrastructures of GSI/FAIR). With a personal or a GSI Weblogin users can submit proposals as Proposers, organize the experiment on site (Responsible Experimentalist) or participate in an experiment on the campus (Experimentalist). This is described in this short users' manual here.

Proposals contain information on the applicants; an uploaded PDF file explaining background, aims and setup of the proposed experiment; technical and safety-relevant details; and information on host lab resources required by the proposed experiment. Instructions on the structure of the uploaded PDF file are given in the GATE proposal form. For a continuation request, a brief status report of the previous as well as an outline of the future experiments should be given.


Program Advisory Committees

Webpages of the Program Advisory Committees (PACs) with information e.g. on open 'Calls':

General Program Advisory Committee (G-PAC), for nuclear and atomic physics:G-PAC

PHELIX and Plasmaphysics Program Advisory Committee (PPAC), for plasmaphysics with ions and lasers:PPAC

Materials Research Program Advisory Committee (Mat-PAC), for materials research: Mat-PAC

Biophysics and Radio-Biology Program Advisory Committee (Bio-PAC), for biophysics and radio-biology: Bio-PAC


Note on Research Data Management Plan

A Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) is currently not mandatory, but users are asked to plan ahead of time how to take, manage, process and store their data, and think about its possible later publication. This also helps in formulating a request for host lab resources, e.g. IT support, if required. For more information see this document.


Further Steps

After approval of a proposed experiment, the applicant will be informed on the results by E-mail. This mail also contains information on next steps.

You might also want to check the webpages "Scheduling of aproved experiments" and "Coming for an experiment".
