Biophysics Seminars
24.07.2025 14:00 Theorieseminarraum SB3 3.170a Devices, models and algorithms for nuclear imaging (and beyond) Prof. Dr. Magdalena Rafecas Institute of Medical Engineering Universität zu Lübeck |
03.07.2025 14:00 Theorieseminarraum SB3 3.170a Novel Flexible Organic-Hybrid Detectors for Proton and X-ray Dose Control and Beam Monitoring Dr. Laura Basiricò Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Bologna, Italy |
08.05.2025 14:00 SB Seitenraum Hörsaal Real-time anatomy-adaptive radiation therapy on standard radiation therapy systems Dr. Chandrima Sengupta University of Sydney, Australia |
27.03.2025 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a The immunogenic potential of carbon ions and the involved mechanisms in tumor cells Cristina Totis GSI, Darmstadt |
13.03.2025 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Benchmarking Monte Carlo simulations of the chemical phase of radiation effect in clinical particles beams Dr. Kilian-Simon Baumann LSE, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Gießen |
30.01.2025 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a The experimental proton therapy infrastructure in Oslo and pre-clinical investigations comparing the effects of proton and x-ray therapy Prof. Dr. Eirik Malinen Department of Radiation Biology Institute for Cancer Research Oslo University Hospital, Norway |
10.10.2024 14:00 Lecture hall, Theory SB3 3.170a Can't Touch This! - Unobtrusive Sensing using Artificial Intelligence Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hoog Antink Technische Universität Darmstadt |
08.10.2024 14:00 SB Seitenraum Hörsaal Overview of Health Issues After the Fukushima Incident Dr. Yoshika Saito Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine University of Fukui, Japan |
01.10.2024 SB Seitenraum Hörsaal Macrophages as tools and targets in cancer therapy Prof. Dr. Cecilia Garlanda Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Immunopathology at Humanitas Research Hospital , Milan, Italy |
26.09.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Computational Radiation Biology at Mayo Clinic Florida Prof. Dr.Keith Furutani Mayo Clinic, Florida USA |
11.09.2024 11:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Optimizing particle arc therapy: The fine line between freedom and efficiency Dr. Sophie Wuyckens Molecular Imaging, Radiotherapy and Oncology (MIRO) UCLouvain Bergen, Wallonische Region, Belgien |
30.07.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a A novel setup for on-line monitoring of proton therapy - status report of the SiFi-CC project Dr. Katarzyna Rusiecka Department of Hadron Physics Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Jagiellonian University, Poland |
18.07.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Design and implementation of the novel Hybrid Detector for Microdosimetry (HDM) Dr. Enrico Pierobon GSI, Darmstadt |
03.07.2024 11:30 KBW - Hörsaal Carbon ion therapy for pediatric CNS tumors: Proposal to benchmark RBE in vivo for neurologic endpoints and tumor control for a model of pediatric glioblastoma Prof. Dr. John G. Eley Director of Medical Physics Education Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville (TN), USA |
27.06.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques for life science applications Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Torsten Frosch TU Darmstadt Biophotonik – Medizintechnik |
06.06.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Non-targeted effect of Radiation on brain through gut-brain axis Prof. Kamalesh D Kamalesh D Mumbrekar Department of Radiation Biology and Toxicology Manipal School of Life Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, India |
16.05.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Irradiation in a FLASH: Exploring Dose Rate Effects on Radiochemistry and Brain Connectivity Dr. Jeannette Jansen GSI, Darmstadt |
08.05.2024 09:30 - 12:05 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a GSI, Darmstadt |
07.05.2024 13:30 - 17:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a GSI, Darmstadt |
25.04.2024 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Dosimetry, radiation risk assessment and countermeasures: studies in the ISS, a testbed for developing new approaches Prof. Dr. Livio Narici University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy |
06.03.2024 11:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Carbon ions back to the USA - A Meeting report Dr. Thomas Friedrich GSI, Darmstadt |
2023 |
30.11.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170 Radiation-induced immune signaling in glioblastoma, pancreatic cancer and triple-negative breast cancer Prof. Dr. Dea Slade Medical University of Vienna |
15.11.2023 15:30 Prof. Dr. Marco Durante GSI, Darmstadt
04.10.2023 11:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Sitting up for radiation therapy: development of an isocentric chair for use with conventional linacs Dr. James Korte Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Victoria , Australia |
03.08.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Radiation-Induced Lymphopenia: A Balancing Act MUDr. Sarah Al-Hamami Proton Therapy Center Czech, Praha |
13.07.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Metabolic dependencies as a molecular target to overcome radioresistance Dr. rer. nat. Johann Matschke University Hospital Essen (AöR) Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research) |
04.07.2023 11:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Real-time 4D-dose calculation to assess the efficacy of motion mitigation strategies Cosimo Galeone GSI, Darmstadt |
23.06.2023 10 a.m. Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Current status of the first carbon therapy facility in the USA Dr. Chris J. Beltran Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida |
19.06.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy Treatment Plannin Prof. Dr. Zoltán Perkó TU Delft, Netherlands |
25.05.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Photon vs. proton irradiation: LET effects on radio(chemo)sensitivity of preclinical sarcoma and normal tissue models Prof. Dr. Cläre v. Neubeck Translationale Partikeltherapie Universitätsklinikum Essen (AöR) Klinik für Partikeltherapie Westdeutsches Protonentherapiezentrum Essen (WPE) |
16.05.2023 11:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Nuclear Reaction and Production Cross-Sections for Space and Therapy Applications Dr. Francesca Luoni and Réka Szabò GSI, Darmstadt |
11.05.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Variable proton RBE: clinical relevance and ion-independent modeling Jun.-Prof. Dr. Armin Luhr TU - Dortmund |
4D-dosimetric blood flow model to estimate radiation dose to patient's peripheral blood during radiotherapy Dr. Abdelkhalek Hammi TU - Dortmund |
05.04.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Upright Patient Positioning - The Furture Of Radiation Oncology Dr. Stephen Towe LEO Cancer Care, Middleton, USA |
30.03.2023 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Short-lived radioactive 8Li and 8He ions for therapy Dr. Marie Vanstalle IPHC and CNRS, Strasbourg, France |
10.03.2023 09:30 - 12:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Ph.D. Biophysics day |
09.03.2023 13:50 - 17:30 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Ph.D. Biophysics day |
28.02.2023 16:15 GSI Hösaal SB GSI – FAIR Kolloquium Faster and Safer? The Quick Rise of FLASH Radiotherapy Prof. Dr. Marco Durante – GSI & TU Darmstadt |
19.01.2023 14:00 Theorieseminarraum SB3 3.170a Radon - a risk benefit evaluation based on distribution and dose determination Dr. Andreas Maier GSI, Darmstadt, Germany |