Funding opportunities

For European Users

The objective of the Integrating Activities Scheme within the Horizon 2020 as well as the Horizon Europa Programmes of the European Commission is to support the integrated provision of infrastructure related services to the research community at a European level. For H2020, a main characteristic of Integrating Activities (IA) is their capacity to mobilise a large number of stakeholders in a given class of infrastructure. The ambition is to induce a long-term effect on the way research infrastructures operate, evolve and interact with similar infrastructures and with users, thereby contributing to structure the European Research Area. Within Horizon Europe, research institutes can offer Services.

GSI is participating in the following running EU-projects (both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europa) which offer dedicated beam time through Transnational Access:

About the French-German Exchange Program at GSI

Based on a cooperation agreement from 1983 between CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and AGF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen, precursor of present Helmholtz Association) the French-German Exchange Program between GSI, CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/DRF/IRFU was formalized in 1986. Within this program the exchange of scientists and engineers is supported for joined French-German research projects of common interest, e.g. for FAIR. In October/November each year, applications and reports on the running year are submitted to both institutions involved (GSI and the respective French institute), evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and approved by the Steering Committee (ST). Spokespersons then are informed via E-mail on the number of days attributed to each project for the coming year. For details, please contact the relevant person at the institution of interest.

Contact person at GSI: Karin Füssel (E-Mail)


Reimbursement Procedure

Within this exchange program costs for accommodation are reimbursed by the hosting institution, while travel costs and further costs related to the stay are paid by the home institute (e.g. for meals). For reimbursement, rules of the respective institution will apply. This modified reimbursement scheme is in force since 2021.



GSI personnel travelling to France within a granted project of the French-German Exchange Program will submit a regular business trip application (Dienstreiseantrag), where travel costs and the applicable per diem (Tagegeld) are to be covered by their department. For reimbursement of accomodation costs, please contact the respective French institute.


French colleagues travelling to GSI within a granted project of the French-German Exchange Program will be reimbursed the costs for accommodation during their stay - without meals.

For this reimbursement, the candidate should fill this form, have it signed by the spokesperson and bring it to the Welcome Office. Please add the receipt from the accommodation (e.g. hotel), which is to be addressed to "GSI GmbH / Planckstr. 1 / 64291 Darmstadt" - with the name of the travelling person somewhere below, but not in the address field (!). The travelling person pays the hotel and hands in this bill for reimbursement. In case questions occur please contact the WEO-Expenses(at) (Silvia Engel and/or Monika Allan).

Reimbursable accommodation costs (w/o breakfast) are limited by the location-based price cap ("ortsbezogene Preisobergrenze"), that are applied by GSI, i.e. maximum up to 88 EUR in Darmstadt and max. 99 EUR in Frankfurt (price cap valid since 03/2024). If hotels are more expensive due to a trade fair, costs can be reimbursed only, if this is declared explicitly on the receipt ("Messepreis"). For more expensive hotels without "trade fair price" 3 comparable offers need to be presented.

GSI colleagues can refer to the GSI internal webpage for the list "Übersicht der ortsbezogenen Preisobergrenze".


At GSI lodging, internal billing (invoicing) can be applied, i.e. up-front payment of the accommodation is not needed. However, this requires rooms to be booked via our online guest room booking form (here: Link), stating the correct funding program. For this in section ‘Invoice Address’ you need to select your funding program, i.e.: Reimbursement via French-German Exchange Program, and select the appropriate project number. Based on the entered information an internal receipt for internal billing will be created and therefore no payment on-site will be needed.

For all researchers (including those from German university groups and GSI scientists)

The GSI-Grant Office supports researchers at GSI with third-party funding (national and EU). Please refer to their website for more information.

GSI offers the R&D program for the cooperation with German Universities which covers development and testing of equipment and measuring devices as well as experimental procedures and theoretical methods for the research with ion and hadron beams. For more information, please visit the German page as well as description of the research themes (also in German).
