Accelerator Operations

The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung  operates on its campus in Darmstadt a large, world-wide unique heavy-ion accelerator complex consisting of the UNILAC linear accelerator that accelerates particles from H to U up to 11 MeV/u, the SIS18 synchrotron for further acceleration up to energies of 2 GeV/u, and the experimental storage cooler ring ESR capable of storing and cooling exotic and highly-charged ions at energies from 4 MeV/u to 0.5 GeV/u . In the last two years, a further storage cooler ring – CRYRING, the Swedish in-kind contribution to FAIR from Stockholm University – has been installed behind the ESR, for atomic and nuclear physics experiments at lower energies of about 15 MeV/u down to a few 100 keV/u. In addition to proton and ion beams, pion beams can be provided at GSI in a momentum range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV/c.

Division Head




Dr. Ralph Aßmann


SB1 4.120

Department Operations
Deputy of the division head




Dr. Udo Weinrich


SB1 4.103d

Assistance of the division head

Please contact: sekr-acc[at] (Office: SB1.4.121)