Create the Report in Windows 7
We Support a local installation of MiKTeX and TeXStudio via the Software Center.
To get the software, you should send an email to windows-service(at) specifying your computer's name. The administrators will unlock the installation routine for the specified PC. After a short time, it should appear in your software center.
Create the Report in Linux
In Linux, all search paths are set by default such that class JaCoW-GSI-2015.cls
is automatically found. No particular installation is required.
General information
In the following find some hints for the creation of an article for the GSI Scientific report:
- You have to upload your article as a ps file via the web site.
That is why your embedded images must also available in ps or eps format. - Convert image formats:
- (Win7) In the Software Center the program gimp is available, which has an EPS export.
Gimp is also available in Linux. - (Win) In the directory
you can find the program jpeg2ps.exe.
Run it in a MSDOS window:jpeg2eps *.jpg > *.ps
. - Please note: open a tex file always explicitly via the drive letter (eg Q:\...).
LaTeX can not work with documents which are saved on an UNC path (eg \\winfilesvf\it$root\...) - The GSI Scientific Report will be layoutet in two columns. Pictures whose width is greater than the width of one column are defined in the
Besides, these graphics are placed normally on a new page. If enough place on the first page exists, you can integrate such a picture also with the package here and the suitable position option H on the first page.
Special properties of the list of authors
In the list of authors you will often want to name collaborations besides individual authors and representatives.
Here, an undesirable effect can occur where the information on the institute appears at the end and not in combination with the person.
A workaround can be:
\author[1]{E. Musterfrau}
%author and the corresponding institute
\author[ ]{the collaboration}
%name of the collaboration = new author, the option should be empty
\renewcommand{\Authand}{ for } %only one author
\renewcommand{\Authands}{ for } %more than one author
The result will look like this: