Biophysics Seminars
16.12.2020 16:00 Zoom - link: |
10.12.2020 14:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Dr. Slavisa Tubin MedAustron, Wiener Neustadt, Austria |
19.11.2020 15:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Emulation of the space radiation environment for materials testing and radiobiological experiments Prof. Dr. Jeffery C. Chancellor Louisiana State University, USA |
05.11.2020 14:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: The good, the elder and the ugly: RNA vaccine radiotherapy to fight cancer Dr. Fulvia Vascotto Head Vaccines & Cellular Immunotherapy TRON Translationale Onkologie an der Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
29.10.2020 14:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Innovative shielding materials for long-term deep-space missions Francesca Luoni GSI, Darmstadt |
19.10.2020 Failla 2020 lecture The many facets of heavy ion science Prof. Dr. Marco Durante GSI, Darmstadt |
15.10.2020 15:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Practical aspects of Upright Radiotherapy Treatments Dr. Niek Schreuder LEO Cancer Care, USA |
08.10.2020 14:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Cardiomyocyte dysfunction upon radiation: a human risk mode (Password protected) Timo Smit GSI, Darmstadt |
24.09.2020 11:00 Zoom-Seminar-link: Carbon-ion therapy for patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer at QST (Password protected) Dr. Shigeru Yamada NIRS-QST, Chiba, Japan Yamada seminar upload |
05.03.2020 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a Reduction of lung metastases in a mouse osteosarcoma model treated with carbon ions and immune checkpoint inhibitors Dr. Alexander Helm GSI, Darmstadt |
06.02.2020 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a BIOMAT Project at FAIR Dr. Radek Pleskac GSI, Dramstadt |
16.01.2020 14:00 Theorie Seminarraum SB3 3.170a An Overview of Manchester Mechanistic Modelling for Proton Therapy Nicholas Henthorn Manchester University, Manchester, UK |