Open Positions for PhD students

The international HITRAP Collaboration is looking for a PhD student to participate in the experimental research programme on atomic physics with trapped highly charged ions up to fully stripped uranium ions (U92+), which includes: laser spectroscopy, mass measurements, g-factor measurements, recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy, and atomic collision studies.

HITRAP is an ion-trap facility for experiments on highly charged ions which is being constructed at the accelerator facility at GSI. GSI is an institute for heavy-ion research. In the experiment highly charged ions will be stored, cooled and investigated in the magnetic field of a Penning trap. The experiments apply modern techniques like:

  • production and storage of highly charged ions
  • detection of single particles
  • ion-trap technology
  • accelerator technology
  • low-temperature physics
  • rf-, microwave, and laser technology
  • superconducting magnets

Duration: up to 3 years

Start: as soon as possible


Please contact for further information:

Dr. W. Quint


Planckstr. 1

D-64291 Darmstadt

ph. +49-6159-712141

email w.quint(at)
