Operation Infrastructure Support

The Operation Infrastructure Support OIS division consists of the Mechanical Workshop and Metalworking department and the Technology Laboratory department.

We support the accelerator and experiment units of the entire campus, including their external collaboration partners, with technological developments, with construction of custom-specified prototypes and technologically sophisticated small series of components. The most important basis here is the close interaction of the two departments with each other in close coordination with the users/clients as well as with design and order coordination.


Other services include supporting the campus with finite element (FEM) simulation calculations, e.g. through calculations of thermal effects in superconducting magnets or simulations of mechanical loads on components using ANSYS.


There is also the option of using a mobile X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to carry out elemental analyzes in various materials (e.g. plastics, metals, alloys, layer systems).



Dr. Gertrud Walter

Telefon: +49-6159-71-2061

Mobil: +49-174-328 1528

E-Mail: g.walter(at)gsi.de

Raum: SB1 4.104