Ion Sources


Welcome to the website of the ion source department at GSI. We are operating three injectors feeding the UNILAC with various types of ion species. Two of them are high current injectors, the third one is injecting high charge-states for further acceleration in the linear accelerator. For operation various types of ion sources are used.

Who are Ion Sources?


Dr. Ralph Hollinger

Tel: +49-6159-71-2322

Ort: BR1 1.138


Dr. Fabio Maimone

Tel: +49-6159-71-3140

Ort: BR1 1.136

Technical Infrastructure

Mechanical Workshop

Electronics Workshop

The primary tasks for the FAIR project are:

Installation and startup of the FAIR proton injector
Creation of specifications, procuration, order tracking, approvals and startups, securing of the agreed quality and safety standards
Preparation and organization of the prospective FAIR accelerator operation 

Further duties, responsibilities and projects:

Operation of the existing GSI injectors
Installation and startup of terminal west for high intense uranium ion beams
Safety-related responsibility and responsibility of the relevant machine and equipment parts
Planning and realization of shutdown measures for the existing injectors
Participation at planning and execution of the upgrade measures for the existing UNILAC to provide high intense heavy ion beams for the FAIR requirements (FAIR-UNILAC-Upgrade)
Participation at installation, startup and operation of a cw compatible injector to provide intense highly charged ions (HLI-Upgrade)
ECR ion sources of highest heavy ion intensities (28 GHz ECRIS)
Further development to provide the FAIR required ion source performance (gas- and metal Penning ion sources, high current ion sources and ECR ion sources)
