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Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende
Ausgabe: 46-2021 | 15.11. - 21.11.
- Panda-Kollaboration zeichnet Doktoranden aus: PhD-Preis für Dr. Oliver Noll
- GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2021
- Interne Stellenauschreibungen
Wissenschaftliche Sitzungen/Seminare bei GSI
Panda-Kollaboration zeichnet Doktoranden aus: PhD-Preis für Dr. Oliver Noll

Quelle: ON/private
Panda Collaboration honors PhD: Prize for Dr. Oliver Noll
The PANDA Collaboration awards the PhD Prize to specifically honor students’ contributions to the PANDA project. Candidates for the PhD Prize are nominated by their doctoral advisors. In addition to being directly related to the PANDA Experiment, the nominees’ doctoral degrees must have received a rating of “very good” or better. Up to three candidates are shortlisted for the award and can present their dissertations at the PANDA Collaboration meeting. The winner is chosen by a committee that is appointed for this task by the PANDA Collaboration.
Prof. Ulrich Wiedner for the PANDA collaboration
GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2021

Quelle: RED/BUD, Photograph by G. Otto/GSI
The GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2021 (GSI Report 2021-1) is online at:
DOI:0.15120/GSI-2022-00454 /
K. Große, Bibliothek & Dokumentation, Tel. 2610
- 16.11. 09:40 Uhr, Biophysics Seminar
Biophysics Seminar, 2021-11-16 09:40:00 Uhr
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
- 16.11. 14:30 Uhr, Plasmaphysik Seminar
Plasmaphysik Seminar, 2021-11-16 14:30:00 Uhr
- 17.11. 09:00 Uhr, Biophysics Seminar
Biophysics Seminar, 2021-11-17 09:00:00 Uhr
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
- 17.11. 14:00 Uhr, Wissenschaft für Alle
Wissenschaft für Alle, 2021-11-17 14:00:00 Uhr
- 17.11. 14:00 Uhr, C++ User Group
C++ User Group, 2021-11-17 14:00:00 Uhr
SB3.1.239a Schulungsraum IT, GSI
- 17.11. 14:00 Uhr, AP-Seminare
AP-Seminare, 2021-11-17 14:00:00 Uhr
Room 384 670 6358, Zoom
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