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Archiv | 2021 | KW:38 |Ausgabe: 38-2021 | 20.09. - 26.09.

Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende

Ausgabe: 38-2021 | 20.09. - 26.09.



C++ User Group @ GSI kickoff

C++ is a powerful programming language. While first results are easy enough, mastering the more advanced aspects of the language requires constant learning. We therefore want to meet regularly to learn from each others experience with C++. We meet every even numbered week on Wednesday, 14:00–15:00. Talks are prepared by participants and should be 15–20 minutes long, allowing for ample discussion time.
The first meeting will be on September 22nd: Note that you need to register on Indico.
For more information and participation visit
Matthias Kretz will chair the meetings. About Matthias: studied physics; PhD in computer science; ISO C++ committee assistant chair of the study group on numerics.
Hoping to see all C++ users there!

M. Kretz, Wissenschaftliche IT & HL-Rechnen, Tel. 3084

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Gruppe PER-PAD


Katharina Becker | Telefon: 1397 | E-Mail:

Redaktionsschluss: Donnerstags 12 Uhr
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Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 0