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On the way to realize FAIR: International shareholders approve construction project execution plan
Ausfall GSI- (und Beschleuniger-) Oracle-Datenbank
Typo3-CMS - Update of the GSI-Website
Business trips: New Provider for Travel Reimbursement
Maintenance work on the medium voltage system =AA
Informationsveranstaltung zum Großen Shutdown 2016-2018
Maintenance work on the medium voltage system =AA
Social Counseling Service offers Presentation: „Staying Calm and Serene in Change Processes“
Christoph-Schmelzer-Preis 2016
Attack on the Space Charge Limit – A Successful Start of a European Collaboration
Control and maintenance of fire prevention and escape doors
Maintenance work on the medium voltage system =AA
Girls´Day am Donnerstag, dem 27. April 2017
Exposure Visit of the Indian Science Delegation
Workshop on Perspectives for Joint Science and Academic Training at FAIR and NICA
Hands-On Workshop: LabVIEW Code Review
Renovation Network connection to/from accelerator area
Control and maintenance of fire prevention and escape doors
Einschränkungen im nördl. Eingang / Ausgang SB3
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Walter Greiner 1935-2016
Christoph-Schmelzer-Preis 2016
Renovation Network connection to/from accelerator area
Stellungnahme des Betriebsrats zum Prämien- und Zulagenkonzept "MOVE"
Lärmbelästigung wegen Kanalsanierungsarbeiten im Gebäude SB2
Traffic safety in the dark season
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Neuer Partner für die On- Desk Belieferung mit Büromaterial
Lärmbelästigung wegen Kanalsanierungsarbeiten im Gebäude SB2
FAIR-GENCO Award for Boris Sharkov and Nasser Kalantar
Wanderausstellung 'Patente Frauen'
Lärmbelästigung wegen Kanalsanierungsarbeiten im Gebäude SB2
Einschränkungen im südl. Eingangs- u. Flurbereich BR1
Einschränkungen im Flur BR3.1.154
Social Counselling Service offers Presentation on Rehabilitation Management
Social Counselling Service offers Presentation on Rehabilitation Management
Einschränkungen im südl. Eingangs- u. Flurbereich BR1
Einschränkungen im Flur BR3.1.154
Studying captured antiprotons: EU to grant millions of euros to new training networker
Ausstellung "Patente Frauen" bei FAIR und GSI
Einschränkungen im südl. Eingangs- u. Flurbereich BR1
Einschränkungen im Flur BR3.1.154
Business Trips in connection with Private Trips (§13 BRKG)
Belegung der Besprechungsräume GSI und KBW
Partial glass cleaning KBW Foyer/Printer rooms
Panda Collaboration honors PhD: Prize for Dr. Stefan Diehl
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Announcement for the Election of the Youth and Apprentice Representation 2016
Upgrading Symantec Endpoint Protection (antivirus scanner)
Wanderausstellung "Patente Frauen"
Heaviest Atoms in the Limelight
September 2016: LIGHT Collaboration Meeting
Upgrading Symantec Endpoint Protection (antivirus scanner)
Information regarding AutoCad licensing at GSI
Delivery of 4.000 tonnes of iron for CBM beam dump
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Information regarding AutoCad licensing at GSI
April 2016: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hadron Physics
July 2016: 6th HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics
Neues Programm der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe „Wissenschaft für Alle“
Focus Europe: European Politicians from the State of Hesse visit FAIR and GSI
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung FAIR und GSI
International EMMI Workshop on Plasma Physics at FAIR
Euroschool on Exotic Beams visits GSI-FAIR
Servicezeiten Hauptlager und Halbzeuglager
"Gesund zur Arbeit und gesund nach Hause" - Der Gesundheitstag
New Natural Gas Supply GSI and FAIR
Shutdown of air conditioning LA 24
Wanted: Election Board for the JAV-Election 2016
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Planning maintenance routine on Citrix terminal server
Business Travels: Using GSI Credit Cards
Social Counseling Service offers Series of Presentations on Health-Related Issues
Zum Tode von Professor Klaus Bethge
New address for project time recording (PROZ)
Announcement for the Election of the Youth and Apprentice Representation 2016
Building Bridges: Polish Contribution for Bypass in FAIR Accelerator Ring has arrived
GSI und FAIR trauern um Prof. Dr. Dirk Schwalm
BS- und TGA-Sanierung: Pollutants found
Kronos/Nyx Scheduled Maintenance
Kronos/Nyx Scheduled Maintenance
"target" magazine issue 14 published
Prüfung von Behältern für flüssigen Stickstoff (DEWAR)
Natural Gas Supply GSI and FAIR
Kronos/Nyx Scheduled Maintenance
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung FAIR und GSI
Es sind noch Plätze frei für den Triathlon “10 Freunde”
Natural Gas Supply GSI and FAIR
The chemistry is right not only in element 113: David Hinde a guest of GSI and HIM
Visit & Exhibition: Lineartruck Bosch Rexroth @ GSI
From the Scientific-Technical Council
External access to
Invitation to the Roadshow at Thursday 30rd June 2016
Visit & Exhibition: Lineartruck Bosch Rexroth @ GSI Darmstadt
FAIR Director Boris Sharkov becomes Member of Academia Europaea
Vorankündigung "Wer strahlt denn da"
Invitation to the Roadshow at Thursday 23rd June 2016
Symposium „Future Perspectives of Biophysics Research at GSI/FAIR“
Neue Vertragsbestandteile bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Fremdfirmen
Vorankündigung "Wer strahlt denn da"
Dates for clearing out the BS and TGA restauration in SB3 and SB2
Publications to projects funded within EU H2020
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Successful start of computing in the Green IT Cube
Alteration of the library in two group offices
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Neue Checkliste für einen internen Umzug im Intranet erhältlich
CRYRING@ESR particle detectors workshop
Anpassungen im Einkauf durch die Vergaberechtsreform 2016
Richtlinie für Bestellanforderer
Invitation to the Roadshow at Thursday 19th May 2016
One step closer to the development of an ultra-precise nuclear clock
„I want to study astrophysics!“—GSI and FAIR inspire during Girls’Day
Parking Area bordering the Forest
PhD Award of the CBM collaboration granted for the first time
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Travel expenses without separate fee / billing of travel expenses only for external personnel
Move of license server (SRVFLEXLMHFSS)
Invitation to the Roadshow at Tuesday 29th April 2016
Mexico and the international accelerator centre FAIR launch collaboration
Patent-worthy! Concept for a new accelerator component developed
Change of network-responsibilty in the area "Nordbau"
Saving unnecessary SAP licenses
Travel expenses without separate fee / billing of travel expenses only for external personnel
Glossary of the Administration
New address for Dienstreise Online (DIO)
Räumungshelfer, Brandschutzhelfer und Feuerwehrleute gesucht
Hannah Petersen receives Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Award
Password change Weblogin-Account
Upgrading Symatec Endpoint Protection (virus scanner)
Room change of the department library & documentation
FAIR-GENCO Award for Young Scientists
Polnische Schüler besuchen GSI und FAIR
Maintenance Window Network/Telephone
Vertrauensfrauen für die Helmholtz-Institute in Jena und Mainz bestellt
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Krankheitsbedingt hat das Halbzeuglager bis auf weiteres eingeschränkte Öffnungszeiten
Invitation to the Roadshow at Tuesday 22nd March 2016
First component delivered for FAIR’s ring accelerator
Maintenance Window Network/Telephone
Interruptions on e-mail service due to maintenance work on 03/17/2016
Invitation to the Roadshow at Tuesday 22nd March 2016
Reminder: GSI Scientific Report 2015
Information about travel expenses
Anlegen von e.biss-Warenkörben
Hessian Minister of Economics visits Green IT Cube
Masterclass 2016—High-school students analyse LHC data
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Information about travel expenses
Anlegen von e.biss-Warenkörben
Professor Horst Stöcker awarded with honorary doctorate of JINR
Reminder: GSI Scientific Report 2015
Sonderkolloquium: GENCO Award 2016
Indian Counselor of Science and Technology Rajachandran Madhan visits FAIR and GSI
Extraordinary interest in special talk by Bengt Friman about gravitational waves
Reminder: GSI Scientific Report 2015
Guided tour of the "Green IT Cube"
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Excel-Vorlage für Formular Rufbereitschaft
Information Verzögerung bei BAFA-Anfragen
Upgrading Symatec Endpoint Protection (antivirus scanner)
60-Ton Magnet GLAD moves into its Cave
Announcement 2016 HGF-Mentoring Programme "Taking The Lead"
Guided tour of the "Green IT Cube"
Guided tour of the "Green IT Cube"
IT Responsibility for Other People
Kalender der Besprechungsräume im Web
HGS-HIRe Power Week on Materials Research at GSI
New Year’s Reception FAIR and GSI on 22 January 2016
Updating of not up-to-date versions of Java on windows based devices on 2/5/2016
Studenten der Uni-Frankfurt besuchten die GSI
Neue Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Januar 2016
Neue Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bei FAIR im Januar 2016
Guided tour of the "Green IT Cube"
Training course for the purchase department
“Kick-Off” Meeting of the APPA R&D Verbundforschung
Erster Kalttest des cw-LINAC-Demonstrator-Kryomoduls erfolgreich durchgeführt
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Target-Magazin Ausgabe 13 ist erschienen
Geschäftsverteilungspläne der Administration
Training course for the purchase department
Presentation of the beamtime schedule 2016
Delivery of SIS100 components has begun
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR)
Maintenance of central Windows installation server from 01/18/2016 to 01/20/2016
Period regulation of the department of finance