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Kurier - Messages from and for employees
Ausgabe: 09-2016 | 29.02. - 06.03.
Professor Horst Stöcker awarded with honorary doctorate of JINR
GSI scientist Professor Horst Stöcker was awarded with a honorary doctorate of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. He received the honour for his “outstanding contribution to the advancement of science and education of young scientists”. The bestowal by Professor Victor Matveev, Director of JINR, took place in the context of the meeting of the Scientific Council of JINR, of which Horst Stöcker is a member since many years.
Ehrendoktorwürde des JINR für Professor Horst Stöcker

Quelle: privat
Am Freitag, dem 19. Februar 2016, wurde GSI-Wissenschaftler Professor Horst Stöcker mit der Ehrendoktorwürde des Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russland, ausgezeichnet. Er erhielt die Auszeichnung für „herausragende Beiträge zum Fortschritt der Wissenschaften und für die Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses“. Die Verleihung durch den Direktor des JINR, Professor Victor Matveev, fand im Rahmen des Treffens des Scientific Council des JINR statt, dessen Mitglied Horst Stöcker seit vielen Jahren ist.
Reminder: GSI Scientific Report 2015
Dear Colleague,
GSI operates a large-scale worldwide unique accelerator facility for heavy ions, which offers outstanding opportunities for research in the fields of hadron and nuclear physics, atomic physics, dense plasma research, material science, biophysics, and radiation medicine. As every year, the GSI Scientific Report illustrates the richness and excellence of the research performed at our institute. In relation to the scientific work done at and for GSI and the future FAIR facility in 2015, all scientists are invited to contribute to the GSI Scientific Report 2015 with scientific results, methodological developments and instrumental achievements.
Please submit your abstract until March 21th and your final contribution March 31th:
Detailed instructions and templates for LaTeX and Word are provided on the above mentioned website. You are not allowed to change those templates or to re-use contributions from other publications like progress or annual reports. The contributions will undergo a review procedure with respect to layout and content prior to publication. The review phase will be completed on April 30th. The final report will be published online in the GSI repository: DOI:10.15120/GR-2016-1 . The GSI Scientific Report 2014 is available at: . For questions please contact ( or +496159 71-2610).
Thank you for supporting the GSI Scientific Report!
Thomas Stöhlker
K. Große, BuD , Tel. 2610
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