5th APPA R&D collaboration meeting 2020

The scientific program of the 5th APPA R&D collaboration meeting of German university groups is now online

In addition to the scheduled talks, there is also the possibility to present posters. Please submit your poster contributions via the website. Poster submissions are highly encouraged as the two scheduled poster sessions are intended to foster a vivid scientific exchange among the participants of the meeting. The deadline for poster submission is 20 December 2019.

For the planning of the catering at the meeting we need the number of  participants as exact as possible. Therefore, I would like to kindly ask you to register at the above given website no later than 10 January 2020. Please, note that you should arrange your own accommodation. Some addresses of nearby hotels are provided on the website. Please, be aware that accommodation in the Darmstadt area can be booked out at times.