Operations Beam Physics and Techniques Salon

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Feb 17, 2021;16:00-17:00 pm

Tanja Dettinger

Technology Laboratory

Schichtdickenmessungen an der Cu-Schicht beim Alvarez-Demotank

via Zoom

Dec 2nd, 2020 4-5 pm

Dominik Wolf


Local beta-beating correction with orbit bumps in the LHC

via Zoom

Feb. 12, 2020 16:00-17:00pm

Udo Weinrich

ACC Project Office

Earned Value Management (EVM) – useful for follow up of accelerator improvement projects?

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Feb. 26, 2020 16:00-17:00pm

Thomas Sieber

Beam Diagnostics

Cryogenic Current Comparators (CCC) as ultrasensitive Beam Intensity Monitors for FAIR

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Jan, 29, 2020 16:00-17:00pm

Wolfgang Geithner


Experiences, progress and ideas of applying machine learning techniques at CRYRING

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer

Jan, 22, 2020 16:00-17:00pm

Oksana Geithner


Theoretical calculations & practical application for CRYRING@ESR

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Aug 14, 2019 16:00-17:00pm

Rahul Singh

Beam Diagnostics

Smoothing of the SIS-18 slow extraction spill

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

June 5, 2019 16:00-17:00pm

B. Walasek-Höhne

Beam Diagnostics

Beam diagnostics up-grade of the HADES

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

February 13, 2019 16:00-17:00pm

Mariusz Sapinski


Measurements of HEST optics

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

January 30, 2019 16:00-17:00pm

Elena Fol


Machine learning in accelerator

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Dezember 19, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

L. Groening, S. Mickat, P. Gerhard, K. Kleffner, W. Barth

diff. departments

LINAC 2018

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Dezember 5, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

CANCELLED - Gertrud Walter

Accelerator Operations

Galvanik Retroffiting

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

November 21, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Christina Will


Ein Produktlebenszyklus-orientiertes Produktmodell

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

November 7, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Mariusz Sapinski


Status of HADES beam line

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

October 10, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Mei Bai

ACC Operations

Siberian Snake

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

October 24, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Mei Bai & colleagues

ACC Operations


accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

September 12, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Giuliano Franchetti and Lars Groening

Storage Rings/Linac


accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

August 29, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Wolfgang Geithner


JIRA-Software for CRYRING

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

June 21, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Aleksey Adonin

Ion Sources

Development of 2.7 Hz Uranium operation for FAIR

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

June 6, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Lars Groening


Experimental Observation of Space Charge Driven Resonances in a Linac

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Mai 9, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Rustam Berezov

Ion Sources

Commissioning of the proton injector at CEA/Saclay

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

Mai 1, 2018





April 25, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Fabio Maimone

Ion Sources

The frequency tuning of ECR Ion Sources

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

April 17, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Anja Seibel


Studies on a new Alvarez structure for the GSI Post-Stripper 

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

April 11, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

POSTPONED: Lars Groening



accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

March 20, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Rahul Singh

Beam Diagnostics

BPM measurements and position algorithms used for the GSI rings

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

March 14, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Chen Xiao


Consistent front to end simulations for the upgraded UNILAC 

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

February 28, 2018 16:00-17:00pm CANCELLED

Rahul Singh




February 20, 2018 16:00-17:00pm

Dominik Vilsmeier

Beam Diagnostics

Using Machine Learning for IPM profile reconstruction

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

December 12, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Andreas Reiter

Beam Diagnostics

The "ABC" of CRYRING Beam Instrumentation

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

November 28, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Markus Kirk

System Design SIS 100

Off-axis field expansions in charged-particle optics

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

November 22, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Oleksiy Dolinskyy

Collector Ring

Nuclear astrophysics as inspiration for artists

KBW lecture hall

November 14, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Giuliano Franchetti

Accelerator Physics

Fixed lines and topology

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

November 02, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Sascha Mickat


LINAC projects and Cu plating

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

October 25, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Bernhard Franczak


Mirko - a versatile interactive program for ion optics

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

October 11, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Stephan Reimann


Cryring in Operation – Experiences and Measurements

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

September 13, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Regina Hess

Beam Cooling

Systematic 6-dimensional beam parameter measurements in the ESR

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

August 30, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Mariusz Sapinski


Current status of HEST LSA setup

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

August 23, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Oleksii Gorda

Collector Ring

Ion-optical considerations and first results from commissioning with beam a

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

August 1, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Sergey Litvinov

Storage Rings

Isochronous operation of storage rings

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

July 25, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Sabrina Appel

Accelerator Physics

Multi-turn injection and GA based optimization for SIS18

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)

July 25, 2017 16:00-17:00pm

Vera Chetvertkova

Accelerator Physics

CRYRING current status, modeling/simulation and measurements

accelerator seminar room SE1 124c (Kältekammer)