GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung operates a unique accelerator for heavy ions. Researchers from around the world use this facility for experiments that help them make fascinating discoveries in basic research. In addition, they continually develop new and impressive applications.

The winning teams at Karriere Kick
What does recruiting young talent have to do with tabletop soccer? That's what xx interested participants and yy apprenticeship employers were able to find out at “Karriere Kick” in the Böllenfalltorhalle in Darmstadt at the beginning of February. Similar to speed dating, young people and training companies are drawn by lot in each round and get to know each other in a playful way during a round of tabletop soccer. GSI/FAIR took part and even won second place in the election of the best…

[Translate to English:]
Die großen Fortschritte des FAIR-Projekts, die Meilensteine der Forschung bei GSI/FAIR und die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten standen im Fokus des Besuchs von Cem Özdemir, Bundesminister für Bildung und Forschung, und Timon Gremmels, Hessischer Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kunst und Kultur, beim GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung und dem hier entstehenden internationalen Beschleunigerzentrum FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) in Darmstadt.

FAIR – the future accelerator facility

In the next few years the new international accelerator facility FAIR, one of the largest research projects worldwide, will be erected at GSI. At FAIR an unprecedented variety of experiments will be possible. Thereby physicists from all around the world will be able to gain new insights into the structure of matter and the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present.
Learn more about FAIR: GSI about FAIR or FAIR web page

Cancer Treatment with Ion Beams

GSI is the birthplace of a new form of cancer treatment. This development was the result of many years of research in conjunction with GSI’s large ion-beam accelerator system. The advantage of this new treatment modality is that the ion beam selectively damages tumor tissues while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues. More...

The Creation of New Elements

Chemical elements are produced in stars and stellar explosions. Elements are the building blocks of all materials that surround us – including every atom of our bodies. The universe is also home to a large number of atoms that do not occur on earth. One of the key tasks of the researchers at GSI is to attempt to create previously unknown elements. More...
