CBM collaboration honors outstanding doctoral theses


The CBM Collaboration awarded two young researchers with the "CBM Best Thesis Award" for outstanding PhD theses. The awards were presented during the CBM Collaboration Meeting and honored Dr Vikas Singhal and Dr Marcel Bajdel. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment is one of the central research pillars of the international accelerator center FAIR, which is currently being built at GSI.

Dr Vikas Singhal works at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata, India, and submitted his PhD thesis at the Homi Bhabha National Institute in Mumbai. In his thesis "Development and implementation of first level event selection process on heterogeneous systems for high energy heavy ion collision experiments" he adresses the development of a realistic time-based simulation framework for the Muon Chamber System (MuCh) of the CBM experiment. Another focus is on the development of a trigger algorithm for MuCh, and the evaluation of its performance in various heterogeneous computing platforms including CPU, GPU and hybrid platform. At the award ceremony, the CBM collaboration emphasized “the high relevance of this work in CBM computing and its direct implications in the final CBM setup”.

Dr Marcel Bajdel is employed at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and completed his thesis at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. His thesis "Development of the Detector Control System and Instrumentation for the Silicon Tracking System (STS) in the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment" is about the development of a modular detector control system (DCS) and the implementation of the containerized EPICS based control system framework, which allows for remote operation and monitoring. It is also crucial for operation of lab setups, as well as the Silicon Tracking System (STS) in the mCBM at the ring accelerator SIS18. The development of a general strategy for ambient parameters monitoring inside the STS is also an important topic of the thesis. The CBM collaboration emphasized at the award ceremony “the high relevance of this work for the control of the CBM detectors and its direct implications in the final CBM operation”.

The CBM Dissertation Prize Committee, formed by Anand Dubey, Ilya Selyuzhenkov, Hanna Zbroszczyk and Alberica Toia (Chair), decided on the works submitted. CBM spokesperson is Norbert Hermann, Chairman of the CBM Collaboration Committee Nu Xu.
