Thomas Nilsson appointed member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Vice chair of the Joint Scientific Council FAIR/GSI is part of the committee that votes on the Nobel Prize in Physics


The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the FAIR GmbH are delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. Thomas Nilsson, vice chair of the Joint Scientific Council FAIR/GSI and head of the physics department at Chalmers University of Technology, has been appointed a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In addition to Thomas Nilsson, the prestigious academy, which is responsible for selecting Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry and economics, has appointed four other new scientists.

The appointment of Thomas Nilsson as a member of the class for physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is an outstanding recognition of his significant contributions to physics research and his dedicated work at internationally leading research institutions such as GSI and FAIR. Thomas Nilsson has made significant contributions to nuclear research, often with connections to astrophysics and thus to the understanding of element formation in stars through his research on exotic nuclei.

GSI and FAIR warmly congratulate Thomas Nilsson on this prestigious appointment and look forward to continuing to benefit from his valuable contribution to the scientific community. The Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, Professor Paolo Giubellino, emphasizes: "I am very pleased about the election of Thomas Nilsson as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He is an outstanding scientist who not only makes important contributions to physics with his projects and his commitment, but also plays a decisive role in advancing the FAIR project as vice chair of the Joint Scientific Council FAIR/GSI. His appointment not only represents an outstanding distinction for him, but also recognizes the excellent quality of the experiments designed at the FAIR accelerator center. We are proud to have him as an outstanding personality in the FAIR community."

Thomas Nilsson's research focuses on the fundamental interactions in subatomic systems, especially in nuclei with a large excess of neutrons or protons, resulting in exotic structures and properties. His experiments are carried out at facilities that provide beams of exotic nuclei, including GSI and CERN-ISOLDE in Switzerland. He has also been instrumental in the development of such facilities and the associated instrumentation, particularly at the FAIR research center.

In addition to Thomas Nilsson, the following outstanding personalities have also been elected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, from whose ranks Nobel Prize Committee members are also appointed: Love Dalén, Professor in Evolutionary Genomics at the department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Marie Carlén, Professor at the department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Hanna Johannesson, holder of the Bergianus professorship and Professor at the department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, Eva Malmström Jonsson, Professor in Coating Technology at the division of Coating Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. (LW)