On June 12, a ceremony was held on the joint campus of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI) and the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) to commemorate the signing of an agreement on collaborative research (Memorandum of Understanding) in the area of nuclear physics. The agreement was made between the Japanese RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR), GSI and FAIR.

During their recent meeting, the PANDA Collaboration has announced for the third time its PANDA Theory PhD Prize. Every other year outstanding PhD theses of young scientists are honored with this prize. The year 2022 prize was handed over to Dr. Bai-Long Hoid for his PhD thesis “Taming Hadronic Effects at the Precision Frontier: From the Muon Anomaly to Rare Decays” by Professor Ulrich Wiedner, spokesperson of the PANDA Collaboration, Professor Karin Schönning, deputy spokesperson, and ...

[Translate to English:] Vor Kurzem hatte GSI/FAIR die Ehre, eine japanische Delegation unter Führung von Dr. Keitaro Ohno, dem Staatsminister für Kabinettsangelegenheiten, zu empfangen. Die Gäste besuchten GSI/FAIR, um sich über die Forschung auf dem Campus, die von japanischen Forschenden geleiteten Experimente und das Bauprojekt für den internationalen Teilchenbeschleuniger FAIR zu informieren. Des Weiteren nahmen sie an der Unterzeichnung einer Zusammenarbeitsvereinbarung (Memorandum of…

It is an important step to extend future treatment methods in the fight against cancer: The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) and Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company from Palo Alto, California, intend to jointly advance medical-technical developments in the field of FLASH therapy and further pave the way to clinical application. To this purpose, an agreement was concluded among the three collaborators.

The newly concluded cooperation agreement between the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the Worms University of Applied Sciences opens up two new branches of cooperation. Opportunities for innovation through cooperative collaboration have been identified for both the Business Computing and the Logistics Management degree programs.

Member of the Bundestag Andreas Larem recently visited GSI and FAIR. In a personal meeting, Prof. Dr. Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director GSI and FAIR, Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Administrative Managing Director GSI and FAIR, Jörg Blaurock, Technical Managing Director GSI and FAIR, and Dr. Ingo Peter, Head of Public Relations GSI and FAIR, presented the status of the FAIR project, the campus development as well as the research successes and the current experiments.

Current developments and new strategies for future data center operations were the focus of the Data Center Expert Summit 2022, the expert conference for data centers in Germany, held recently at GSI/FAIR. It was organized by the eco Association of the Internet Industry in cooperation with GSI/FAIR's Technology Transfer Department. The event was also attended by the State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development and CIO of the Federal State of Hesse, Patrick…

An international research team, including researchers from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, has for the first time combined data from heavy-ion experiments, gravitational wave measurements and other astronomical observations using advanced theoretical modelling to more precisely constrain the properties of nuclear matter as it can be found in the interior of neutron stars. The results were published in the journal “Nature”.

A Memorandum of Understanding and a GET_INvolved Partnership agreement which focuses on mobility and capacity building were executed between Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India and GSI/FAIR Darmstadt Germany. The proposed trilateral agreement will enable internship, training and research programs between GSI/FAIR and IIT Roorkee, envisioned to create opportunities for collaborations between the institutes. FAIR is one of the largest research projects worldwide, being built at the GSI…