Nuclear Quark Matter

Nuclear and Quark Matter research explores the phase structure and microscopic properties of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Such extreme states of matter, which have analogies in cosmic evolution, are formed in the collision zone of colliding nuclei if the total energy in the center of mass exceeds the combined mass of the collision partners by factors to orders of magnitude. The properties of these transient states are revealed by investigating the particles emerging from the collision zone with the help of complex detector systems. Important questions addressed concern the formation of matter out of elementary quarks and gluons during hadronization, the role of confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking therein, the nature of the Quark Gluon Plasma, and the possible existence of so far unknown phases of matter.

The research groups participate in the design and construction of detector systems, develop complex analysis frameworks and manage large scale data processing on cite.

Current involvements:

    Matter at highest energy densities
  • CBM at SIS100-300/FAIR
    Matter at highest baryonic densities
  • HADES at SIS18/GSI
    Resonance matter and limits of hadronic existence

Former participations:

  • FOPI at SIS18/GSI
    Nuclear matter equation of states at high density, resonance matter, strangeness production
  • NA49, WA98  and CERES at SPS/CERN
  • KaoS and TAPS at SIS/GSI
  • “Streamer Chamber” and “Plastic Ball” at BEVALAC/LBNL