Nanosecond Frontend

technical contact: Udo Eisenbarth

The nanosecond frontend enables the generation of laser pulses with durations ranging from 500 picoseconds to 10 nanoseconds and supports programmable temporal pulse shaping. The initial system component is entirely based on fiber technology.

A commercial system (ModBox, Exail) comprises:

- A continuous-wave laser source

- A fiber amplifier

- An acousto-optic modulator

- An intensity modulator, controlled by an arbitrary signal generator

This fiber-based system produces pulse energies of up to 10 nJ and acts as the seed source for the subsequent free-space, flash-lamp-pumped regenerative Nd:glass ring amplifier. This setup achieves output energies of up to 20 mJ with a repetition rate of 0.5 Hz.

Key parameters are:


1053 nm (longitudinal single-mode operation)

Ouput energy:

20 mJ

Pulse duration:

0,7-10 ns (programmable)

Repetition rate:

ca. 0,5 Hz

Constrast ratio:

>40 dB

Minimum pulse rise time:

750 pS

Warm up time:

10 minutes

Energy stability:

2% (PtP) over 30 minutes