Cryogenics CSCY

The Cryogenics Department (CSCY) is taking care of the cryogenic cooling needs of the whole FAIR infrastructure. Both superconducting accelerator components and dedicated experimental setups require liquid-helium (LHe) based cooling.

CSCY provides support for the design of cryostats, plans the cooling circuits of the whole cold-helium supply infrastructure (4.5 to 70 Kelvin), and plans the cryoplants for accelerator operation as well as for magnet testing.

Furthermore CSCY operates the prototype test facility (PTF) and supports the construction of cryosystems for experiments.


Supply of FAIR with Liquid Helium

  • Design, planning, procurement, and commissioning of refrigerators
  • Design, planning, procurement, and commissionin of the distribution system, composed of distribution boxes and transfer lines
  • Planning of the construction demands for the realisation of the supply system
  • Development of a cryogenics control system and specification of the sensorics and actorics
  • Operation of the cryoplants

Planning for FAIR

  • Design and procurement of the helium supply as well as the refrigerator for the series-test facility (STF)
  • Procurement and operation of the "Helium Supply Plant" (HeSu) liquefier for the supply of FAIR test benches and accelerator components with LHe dewars
  • Operation of the cryo plants at the magnet-test facilities (PTF / STF)
  • Gas management for HeSu and PTF/STF in order to guarantee safe operation of the facilities
  • Installation of a laboratory for testing components under cryogenic conditions
  • Component- and adaption-tests for cryogenic actorics and sensorics
  • Interface specifications for the control system
  • Development of the regulation parameters for the control system

Dr. Holger Kollmus

Telephone: +49-6159-71-1363

Location: C24.1.003

Deputy Head

 Dr. Marion Kauschke

Telephone: +49-6159-71-2325

Location: C26.1.003