Classes and Packages - General

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Document Class

The document class defines the available logical commands and environments.

In Latex2e there are 5 standardclasses:

  • article
  • book
  • report
  • letter
  • slides

Since some time there are the koma-script classes available. These are much more usable for a better layout.

  • scrartcl
  • scrbook
  • scrreprt
  • scrlttr2

The extention of these documentclasses is *.cls

Document Option

A list of document options allows you to modify the default formatting of the document class.   

The extention of these documentoptions is *.clo

For example:


size11.clo  ----->  globalfontsize in documentclass article


bk12.clo    ----->  globalfontsize in documentclass book


leqno.clo   ----->  number of equations on the left side


Packages and Package options

If you want to make some modifications to a document class, you should put the relevant code into a separate file. The extention of these packages or package options is *.sty

For example:


ngerman.sty  ----->  german hyphenation graphicx.sty ----->  merging text and graphics colordvi.dvi ----->  colored pictures


All style files for LaTeX 2.09 can be used without modifications as packages in LaTeX2e.

Example for a document:



















If you have any further questions or remarks, please contact latex-service.