SPARC PhD Award 2024 for Dr. Stephan Dickopf

Dr. Stephan Dickopf (on right)
University of Heidelberg and Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany
This year's SPARC collaboration PhD Prize was awarded to Dr. Stephan Dickopf (University of Heidelberg and Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics) for his thesis entitled “High-precision Penning-trap measurements of the magnetic moments and hyperfine splitting in hydrogen-like beryllium-9”.
The award recognizes excellent experimental work of Dr. Dickopf, focused on the highprecision determination of the nuclear moment of beryllium-9 and the zero-fieldsplitting of its hyperfine structure. The achieved accuracy exceeds the one from previous measurements by up to two orders of magnitude, which makes beryllium9 an excellent reference sample for other nuclear moment measurements. The results of this work were recently published in Nature.
Contact: Andrey Surzhykov, PTB & TU Braunschweig, Head of SPARC Award Committee