Utilisation Guideline of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research mbH

Utilisation Guideline of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research mbH

In order to fulfil its social mission and the purpose of its statutes, it is an aim of the GSI to transfer its research results to the economy and society in the best possible way. Through the active exploitation of research results, the GSI makes a significant contribution to the future economy and society.

The GSI is aware of this responsibility and strives to protect and use the generated knowledge for the benefit of the economy and society. The core idea of GSI's exploitation strategy is to increase the transfer of knowledge and technology from the research sector to the economy, in order to open up new sources of financing and to build up its own assets, which in turn benefit research.

For its transfer activities, the GSI uses all exploitation options. These include publications, lectures, further education, personnel exchanges, cooperations, contract research, licensing and spin-offs. For each exploitation, the most favourable utilization option is assessed on a case-by-case basis.The criterion for assessment is the benefit to society or the increase in prosperity and, in the case of transfer to the economy, in particular the achievable value added in Germany.

The basis for these activities are, in particular, the inventions develpoped by the employees and the resulting idustrial property rights as assets. Furthermore, industrial property rights are a yardstick for the creativity and performance of a scientific research center and contribute to its positive public image. In the event of successful exploitation, the GSI is to receive an appropriate financial share. This is done, among other things by licensing the technologies and by entering into participations in spin-offs.

Industrial property rights

Industrial property rights, especially patents, are a basis for the successful exploitation of technologies and a share in the success of the GSI. Industrial property rights also strengthen the ability raise third-party funds for research. In the aforementioned sense, the GSI therefore builds up and expands a valuable intellectual property rights portfolio.

Exploitation-relevant regulations for cooperations and contract research

The GSI makes fair and cooperative arrangements in exploitation-relevant contracts with third parties.
In doing so, it must be ensured that the research results are exploited as widely as possible and thus a maximum of benefit for society is created. As a rule, therefore, non-exclusive licences are granted. In the case of contract research, exclusive rights of use can be agreed, but these are usually limited to the respective fields of application of the of the partners concerned. In the case of exploitation successes of the partners, which are based on research results of the GSI, the GSI is to participate financially in an appropriate manner.

Spin-offs and participations

Spin-offs are a suitable means of exploitation. The GSI supports "spin-offs" and "start-ups" on the basis of research results and know-how in the seed phase and the start-up tage according to the BMBF's spin-off and investment guidelines, in order to promote the conversion of such results into marketable products and thus the creation of new jobs.

Potential exploitation topics are selected in screenings at the GSI and are then actively developed into a spin-off business field.
In the advanced development phases, the possibilities of developing new business fields are also exhausted. The extent of support depends on the strategic importance of the spin-off for the GSI as well as the growth potential. In the case of spin-offs, in individual cases - parallel to the granting of licences - financial participation is examined in individual cases.