User offer of the GSI accelerator facility for industry


The GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research operates one of the world's most powerful particle accelerator facilities for ion beams. All elements of the periodic table from protons to uranium can be accelerated to a maximum speed of about 90 % of the speed of light. Researchers from all over the world use the GSI facilities for experiments in various research fields, from particle, nuclear, atomic and plasma physics to materials research and biophysics. In addition to basic research, GSI also offers industrial companies a wide range of opportunities to use its extensive research infrastructure. You are a company and need high-energy ion beams for your research and development, for example to investigate materials or active substances at the atomic level or to optimise manufacturing processes for electronic components?

The GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research pursues exclusively peaceful purposes §2(3) of the Articles of Association; see Ethics & Rules.

You are also welcome to send us special enquiries directly.



Staff Department Technology Transfer



Request for radiation experiments

In order to evaluate your radiation time request, we ask you to send us an email request with initial information as a first step.

1. Project title

2. Contact

3. General information

4. Time frame

5. Technical specifications and special requirements (if known)

  •    Ion type
  •    energy / linear energy transfer (LET)
  •    particle fluence (ions per cm²)
  •    Size of the irradiation field
  •    Size and number of samples

6. If the applicant is not the recipient of the service, specifications of the involved end customers

7. References or additional information relevant to the project


In a second step, depending on the problem, specific details of your request are discussed with scientific and technical experts. Based on this, the Technology Transfer Department develops an individual blasting time offer for interested parties from industry.

Current notice:

Due to the construction of our new accelerator facility FAIR, only limited beam time is currently available. As a rule, short-term requests are currently not possible. The allocation of beam time for the investigation of radiation effects in electronic components is therefore mainly carried out via the Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project RADNEXT - RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research.



A claim to use the accelerator facility at GSI exists only after your order and official confirmation of the beam time offer by GSI.


If you have any questions, please contact us at: transfer(at)