1st place for FAIR drone video at Brazilian film festival


"Longterm Dronelapse 2018-2021" wins first place in the "Hyperlapse" category at the Brazilian film festival "NO AR Drone Film Fest".

The FAIR construction site in Darmstadt is one of the largest research construction projects in the world. The progress is documented with drone footage. The "Longterm Dronelapse 2018-2021" has now been awarded first place in the category “Hyperlapse” at the Brazilian film festival "NO AR Drone Film Fest". 55 films from around the world were submitted to this dedicated drone film festival, of which twelve received an award. On their website, NO AR Brazil notes “to showcase and award artists who are resorting drones to create breath-taking imagery and innovative visual languages.” To reveal the dimensions of the construction progress, the filmmakers use a special film technique: With the help of GPS support, they superimpose the regularly created drone videos so that the buildings grow in front of the eyes of the viewers. (LW)

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 Awarded Drone Video
NO AR Drone Film Fest