snout (click to enlarge) Narrow 8cmx8cm bPlast detector (click to enlarge) gSPEC at GSI/FAIR Fig. 1. The gSPEC-1 experimental setup will be placed in the GSI/FAIR FRS or SuperFRS focal planes (click to enlarge) [...] intrinsic features of the M 1 operator, to collective properties and to the deformation of excited states in exotic nuclei. Studying g-factors during the g-RISING campaign at GSI [1,2] showed that aligned isomeric [...] (gSPEC-0) and re-formatted gDEGAS detectors [4] in linear arrangement (gSPEC-1) with optimized timing properties. Resources: [1] G. Neyens et al. , Act. Phys. Pol. B 38, 1237 (2007). [2] H.J. Wollersheim