between measured and calculated with ABRABLA07 production cross sections in the reaction of 238U(1AGeV)+1H. Colour code shows cross sections in the logarithmic scale. References for abrasion stage: "A [...] decay of the system is seen as a competition between evaporation of light particles - gammas, neutrons, 1,2,3 H, 3,4,6 He, IMFs and fission. Particle emission is based on the extended Wiesskopf-Ewing formalism [...] Schmidt Nucl. Phys. A 531 (1991) 709-745 "DISTRIBUTION OF Ir and Pt ISOTOPES PRODUCED AS FRAGMENTS OF 1 A GeV 197Au PROJECTILES - A THERMOMETER FOR PERIPHERAL NUCLEAR COLLISIONS" K.-H. Schmidt, T. Brohm,