Astrophysics (KRINA) Dec 12-16, 2022, Trento, Italy 2021 EMMI Workshop Experimental and theoretical status of and perspectives for XYZ states Apr 12-15, 2021, online ECT*-EMMI/GSI Workshop Nuclear Physics Meets [...] Matter: Symmetry, Topology, and Gauge Jul 19-23, 2021, ECT*, Trento, Italy EMMI Workshop New avenues for the low-energy NUSTAR program at GSI-FAIR Sep 16-17, 2021, GSI, Darmstadt/online EMMI Workshop Interd [...] Interdisciplinary Workshop on Supersolidity Sep 20-22, 2021, Trento, Italy ECT*-EMMI/GSI Workshop Exploring high-muB matter with rare probes Oct 11-15, 2021, Trento, Italy 2020 EMMI Workshop Nuclear equation