Press and media

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FAIR Council at Bose Institute in Kolkata.
In an extremely constructive and productive FAIR Council meeting, the shareholders of FAIR made key decisions for the further realisation and future commissioning of the FAIR facility. The meeting was held for the first time at FAIR's Indian shareholder, the Bose Institute in Kolkata on December 3 and 4, 2024. India is the third largest shareholder of FAIR GmbH and an extremely important technology and science partner. At the FAIR Council Meeting, Professor Thomas Nilsson was also warmly…

Brochures and flyers

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Pictures, Movie Clips and Podcasts

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Guided Tours

You would like to visit the accelerator facility and the experiments of GSI? You are welcome to join one of our guided tours.


Visit our lecture series Wissenschaft für Alle (German) or find information about other  public events of GSI and FAIR.
