For the first time, comprehensive data on the search for dark matter using a global network of optical magnetometers has been published by an international group of scientists with key participation from the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM). According to the scientists, dark matter fields should produce a characteristic signal pattern that can be detected by correlated measurements at multiple stations of the GNOME…

GSI and FAIR in Darmstadt and the Saint Mary's University (SMU) in Halifax, Canada, have signed a mobility program contract to promote academic and research collaboration between the two institutions. The representatives of GSI/FAIR and Saint Mary's University met virtually to ink their commitment to promote exchange and training opportunities for young students and early-stage researchers.

“It is very impressive to see how such a large collaboration of international scientists works together and I am impressed by the great scientific achievements”, says Professor Paolo Giubellino, the Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR. Together with his colleagues Jörg Blaurock and Dr. Ulrich Breuer, the Technical Managing Director and the Administrative Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, he visited the WASA detector, which is presently installed at the GSI fragment separator FRS, a few…

GSI/FAIR scientist Professor Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo received the 2022 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). This is the most important and highest endowed German research prize. The award ceremony was held in Bonn on May 12, 2022. The decision was announced in December 2021. The award ceremony could be followed via livestream. Martínez-Pinedo was awarded for his outstanding work at the ...

In the summer exams 2021 of the IHK two apprentices of GSI/FAIR were the best within the chamber district Darmstadt. Paul Döbel from the department "Mechanics & Metalworking" passed the exam as construction mechanic and Merlin Weiland from the department "Control Systems" passed the exam as electronic technician for devices and systems. The training was supervised by the instructors Thomas Schiemann and Holger Becht respectively.

A research team was able to generate polarized X-rays with unprecedented purity at the European XFEL in Hamburg. The experiments involved scientists from the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a branch of GSI, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf. The method is supposed to be used in the coming years to show that even vacuum behaves like a material under certain circumstances — a prediction from quantum electrodynamics.

The Secretary of State in the Hessian Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Oliver Conz, and the District President of the Regional Council Darmstadt, Brigitte Lindscheid, recently visited GSI and FAIR to learn about the progress of the FAIR project and the current scientific activities. The guests were welcomed by Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Administrative Managing Director of GSI…

The nationwide day of action Girls'Day could take place on site on the campus of GSI and FAIR again this year. Due to the Corona situation, the capacity available was still slightly reduced compared to previous years, but nevertheless a total of 35 girls between the ages of eleven and fifteen took part in the event and informed themselves about the accelerator facilities and experiments, about research and infrastructure, and especially about the career opportunities at GSI and FAIR.

The joint supercomputing center Green IT Cube of GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt will be expanded into a research and transfer center focusing on "Water Cooling of Mainframe Computer Systems". For this purpose, GSI receives project funding of 5.5 million Euros from the REACT-EU program.