The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

FAIR receives EU funding to investigate socio-economic impact
Large research infrastructures like FAIR are built to answer fundamental questions about the nature of physics and the formation of the universe. They often are international projects, and their job is to carry out world class, excellent science. But they don’t operate in a vacuum. Their activities have impact on their regions and countries well beyond the science they do. The new CASEIA project has now received EU funding to measure this socio-economic influence.

BASE experiment at the CERN antiproton decelerator in Geneva: Visible in the image are the control equipment, the superconducting magnet that houses the Penning trap, and the antiproton transfer beam tube.
In the scientific journal Nature, the BASE collaboration at CERN reports on the world's most accurate comparison between protons and antiprotons: The charge-to-mass ratios of antiprotons and protons are identical to eleven digits. This new measurement improves the accuracy of the previous best value by more than a factor of four. The data-set, collected over a period of 1.5 years, also enables a test of the weak equivalence principle, which says that matter and antimatter behave the same under…

Visualization of the future FAIR facility. Several hundred PhD students are already working on dissertations with links to GSI and FAIR.
For excellent doctoral theses and promising doctoral progress, the non-profit Giersch Foundation together with the Helmholtz Graduate School "HGS-HIRe for FAIR" awarded the Giersch Excellence Awards and Giersch Excellence Grants 2021. Since the award was established in 2015, it has honored outstanding young researchers.

We condemn the war of aggression of Russia and the breach of international law by the Russian government.
Researchers from all over the world have been working together for decades at the accelerators and experimental facilities at GSI and FAIR. They work to together on peaceful, non-military scientific objectives, independent of political, religious and ideological aspects. We condemn the war of aggression of Russia and the breach of international law by the Russian government. That is why we fully stand behind the sanctions imposed by the German government and its international partners.
