GSI/FAIR is actively involved in the charity cycling event "Tour der Hoffnung" for the benefit of children suffering from cancer and leukemia. When the nationwide known fundraising event stops at the Bürgermeister-Pohl-Haus in Wixhausen on August 12, 2022 at 3 p.m., representatives of GSI/FAIR and the Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions will be there. They will inform about cancer therapy with ions and the current state of research, as well as about the activities of…

Radiation therapy is a proven approach to destroying tumours. However, it is possible that it might be able to do even more in the future – namely stimulate the immune system at the same time and so fight cancer even more intensively. Researchers led by TU Darmstadt and with participation of GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung have found that x-rays trigger a calcium signalling cascade in cells of the immune system. The results have now been published in the “Journal of General…

Award: The "Longterm Dronelapse 2018-2021", with which GSI/FAIR document the progress of four years on the FAIR construction site, was awarded the "Intermedia Globe SILVER Award" by the World Media Festival. 270 participants from 40 nations took part in the film competition.

Manfred Pentz, Secretary General of the CDU Hesse and Member of the State Parliament, recently visited GSI and FAIR to learn about the progress of the FAIR project and the current scientific activities. The guests were received by Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Administrative Managing Director of GSI and FAIR and Jörg Blaurock, Technical Managing Director of GSI and FAIR as well as Dr. Ingo Peter, Head of Press and Public Relations of…

Professor Marco Durante, head of the Biophysics Research Department at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, has been elected president of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG). The international organization is active worldwide to promote particle therapy — tumor therapy with particle beams, as developed, among others, at GSI— and thus improve overall treatment options for cancer.

Darmstadt is not only a science city, but can also look back on more than 175 years of history of art production and promotion. What could be more obvious than combining these two important traditions? In the "Artist-in-Science-Residence" program, the association Kultur einer Digitalstadt and the three science institutes in Darmstadt, GSI/FAIR, ESOC and hessian.AI, bring art and science together in a way that is unique in Germany.

On June 12, a ceremony was held on the joint campus of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI) and the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) to commemorate the signing of an agreement on collaborative research (Memorandum of Understanding) in the area of nuclear physics. The agreement was made between the Japanese RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR), GSI and FAIR.

During their recent meeting, the PANDA Collaboration has announced for the third time its PANDA Theory PhD Prize. Every other year outstanding PhD theses of young scientists are honored with this prize. The year 2022 prize was handed over to Dr. Bai-Long Hoid for his PhD thesis “Taming Hadronic Effects at the Precision Frontier: From the Muon Anomaly to Rare Decays” by Professor Ulrich Wiedner, spokesperson of the PANDA Collaboration, Professor Karin Schönning, deputy spokesperson, and ...

[Translate to English:] Vor Kurzem hatte GSI/FAIR die Ehre, eine japanische Delegation unter Führung von Dr. Keitaro Ohno, dem Staatsminister für Kabinettsangelegenheiten, zu empfangen. Die Gäste besuchten GSI/FAIR, um sich über die Forschung auf dem Campus, die von japanischen Forschenden geleiteten Experimente und das Bauprojekt für den internationalen Teilchenbeschleuniger FAIR zu informieren. Des Weiteren nahmen sie an der Unterzeichnung einer Zusammenarbeitsvereinbarung (Memorandum of…