Apprenticeship at GSI

Join Us @ GSI/FAIR!


Am 24. November 2023 erhielten unsere neuen Auszubildenden im Rahmen ihres Onboardings die Gelegenheit, einen tieferen Einblick in die Welt von FAIR zu gewinnen. Unter der fachkundigen Leitung von Herrn Dr. Hartmut Reich wurden zehn Auszubildende und zwei Ausbilder*innen auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise über die FAIR Baustelle mitgenommen. Zwei Stunden lang wurden den Teilnehmer*innen die technischen Aspekte nähergebracht und alle ihre Fragen beantwortet.

Welcome of our new apprentices 2023

We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to recruit new apprentices for the following professions for the new vocational training year, which started on September 04:

  • one office management assistant
  • two electronics technicians for industrial engineering
  • two facility mechanics
  • one industrial mechanic
  • one construction mechanic
  • one IT specialist.

We warmly welcome our new apprentices and wish them a successful start at GSI/FAIR.

We are looking forward to the time we will spend together.

We are pleased to announce that this year ten apprentices have successfully completed their training at GSI. On July 11, 2023, a small celebration was held to mark the occasion, during which the graduates received congratulations from the Management Board, the HR department, the works council, the equal opportunities committee and the representative board for disabled employees.

Special thanks go to our trainers who accompanied and supported the apprentices during their training.

We wish our graduates all the best for their future endeavors and are confident that they will continue to succeed on their life journey.

Apprenticeship at GSI

GSI has been a vocational training company since 1976 and trains the following professions:

The apprenticeships start every year after the Hessian summer vacations.


We offer the following events for our apprentices:

  • Get to know each other - afternoon before the start of the training, where our new apprentices (and their parents) have the opportunity to get to know the vocational trainers and other contact persons concerning the vocational training.
  • Introductory event "FirstSteps@GSI": On this day, which usually takes place in the first month after the start of the training, our new apprentices get an overview of GSI and FAIR and have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
  • In-company lessons: The industrial apprentices from the 1st year of apprenticeship receive weekly in-company lessons of approx. 2 hours in mathematics and materials science.
  • Graduation ceremony: After passing the final examination, the graduates are invited to a small ceremony.


Contact persons in the Human Resources Department are:

Interested in an apprenticeship or a dual study program at GSI? Here you can find the Job offers. Applications are possible via the  application form.
