The new accelerator facility FAIR is under construction at GSI. Learn more.

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IT-Service: Firewall


The central firewall protects the GSI as well as particularly sensitive networks within the GSI by controlling the data packets.

Service Description

The firewall is essential for protecting networks. The service firewall includes, among other things, the establishment of security using the following mechanisms:

  • Isolation of network traffic
  • Protection against external access
  • Accesscontrol based on IP and/or Port
  • Locking/Blocking of unwanted traffic

What needs to be protected?

  • All networks from unauthorized external access
  • sensitiv networks containing enterprise critical data (e.p. Administration)
  • Experiment-Networks
  • Infrastructur systems (e.p. Security Lighting, Building control,...)
  • Surveillance systems
  • ...

For advice and planning, contact us using the ticket address below.

Use the following form if you would like to have connections activated via the firewall.

HintThe security guideline does not allow any direct external access to internal networks. External access may only take place via proxy systems in a DMZ.

Availability and support

  • not covered by on-call duty
  • Support times:
    • Operating-critical malfunctions 24x7
    • others: Mo-Fr within core-working time
  • Support-Email: network-service
